Registration & Follow-up Directorate
The Registration and Follow up Directorate consists of three main sections concerned with land registration operations, starting with the receipt of applications for transactions and verifying their details and ensuring that all the required information and the attachments are fulfilled, passing through all stages of registration and ending with the handover of the title deeds to their owners or sending them to the concerned authorities.
Roles & Responsibilities:
- Registering all client interactions that result in the rise of actual, authentic property rights addressing ownership, transfer, demolition, sale, grant, allocation, compensation, partitioning, legal disputes, etc.
- Preparing and issuing permanent or temporary property documents with properly addressed legal rights and all applicable changes considered.
- Publishing and advertising all permitted property exchange activities and newly registered properties, along with the respective data and statistics in the Official Gazette. Executing and registering all laws issued addressing every existing property right.
- Preparing specific regulations that allow proper classification and indexing of all types of property ownerships and supplying them to the involved entities.
- Collecting service-specific registration fees of all types and proportions according to legal articles and in light of the approximate property value.
- Representing the General Directorate for Land Registration in court and following up legal matters should the General Directorate become part of a legal dispute.
- Developing regulations that safeguard property maps, registered entries, all registry enabling documents, documented contracts, and issued laws.
- Providing data specifically calculated for vacant lands and open areas without ownership, confirming their status as suitable for public acquisition in the name of the government, and notifying the relevant parties.
This section is concerned with legal affairs related to the proof of ownership.
- Documents Preparation Unit.
- Mortgages Unit.
- Interim Certificates Unit.
This section is concerned with following up all the procedures of land registration through three main units, as follows:
- Procedures Follow up Unit.
- Property Register Unit.
- Statistics Unit.
This section is concerned with the completion of land registration processes and collecting the fees prescribed in the relevant legislation. This section consists of two groups:
- Property Fees Group.
- Land Registration Group.
- Hand Over the ready deeds to the reviewers.
- Receiving reviewers and answering their inquiries.
- Print a temporary ownership deed certificate.
- Noting the legal regulations documents if required.
- Print copies of documents after paying the prescribed fee.